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Why take my Active Birth Preparation Workshop?

Writer's picture: Kirstie BroughtonKirstie Broughton

Do you feel prepared for birth? 

Do you have a birth plan?

Do you know your rights and the choices you’ll be asked to make?

Do you know about birth physiology, and what will happen to your body and your baby during birth? 

I’m getting lots of enquiries about this workshop at the moment because people aren’t getting to see their midwives face to face and some other antenatal classes are not running.

The above questions are a few of the topics we talk about during my Active Birth Preparation Workshops, but we cover so much more as well. We cover coping mechanisms, such as TENS, aromatherapy, massage, breathing, water, affirmations, and yoga. We also cover the benefits of upright birthing, hormones in birth, birthing positions for the various stages, we break down all the labour and birth stages and discuss them in detail. 

You will receive a 50 page manual, covering all of these topics, plus lots more. There’s a huge amount of information I try to cram into these sessions. It’s not my intention to overwhelm you, rather to give you as much information as possible, so that you feel confident and able to make informed decisions. My aim is for you to go in to your birth confidently. 

I’m willing to hear any questions you have, there’s never a silly question! I get asked all sorts of questions, such as, what is a placenta? Where is a placenta? How to do perineal massage and is it worth doing? Is it best to tear or have an episiotomy? How does a baby know how to breastfeed? Will it hurt? Everyone has questions and a different level of knowledge on childbirth, so I’m always willing to answer any questions you have during the workshops and at any point afterwards. 

I’m very happy to provide private antenatal classes in your home or as part of a group. Please keep an eye on my Instagram account and Facebook page to see details of up and coming group classes. The workshop takes around 6 hours but the private sessions can be split into 2 x 3 hour sessions. I would suggest allowing a whole day for the class, so we can go at a comfortable pace and take a few breaks.

This workshop is one of the favourite parts of my job. I love to talk about pregnancy, birth, babies and parenthood, and it’s amazing to see parents relax and feel comfortable at the end of the session!



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