Pregnancy Yoga for Birth
Kirstie's Blog
Welcome to Kirstie's Blog! Here you'll discover a variety of blogs, videos, yoga tasters, and relaxation techniques designed to empower and support you. We aim to enhance your knowledge and provide valuable recommendations, resources and information for further support. Enjoy exploring!
Seated Pregnancy Yoga sequence by Breathe Birth Yoga
Baby Sleep Tips
Postnatal Yoga Sun Salutation
Warrior Goddess Pregnancy Yoga
Why doulas charge what they do!
Pelvic Floor Yoga by Breathe Birth Yoga
Pregnancy Chair Yoga
The reality of the 4th trimester
Pregnancy & Birth Affirmations Relaxation Script
Pregnancy Yoga for Anxiety Reduction
Baby Yoga Benefits
Optimum Foetal Positioning
Pregnancy Yoga Seated Sequence by Breathe Birth Yoga
How can I tell if breastfeeding is going well?
Strengthening Your Soul for pregnancy and birth
Progressive Muscle Relaxation by Breathe Birth Yoga
Birth Ball Yoga! Great for later in pregnancy
Pregnancy Yoga suitable for SPD / PGP
Pregnancy Yoga taster – Trimesters 2 and 3