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Kirstie's Blog
Welcome to Kirstie's Blog! Here you'll discover a variety of blogs, videos, yoga tasters, and relaxation techniques designed to empower and support you. We aim to enhance your knowledge and provide valuable recommendations, resources and information for further support. Enjoy exploring!

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20232 min read
Give the gift of a memorable birth…for all the right reasons!
I know that a lot of people see doula support, antenatal education, #birth preparation and #postnatal planning as a luxury that only the...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20233 min read
Plotting & planning for a happy and prosperous 2022!
I can’t believe we’re now in to 2022! As I age life seems to be speeding up at a scary rate. I try to pay attention to the little things...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20232 min read
Holding Space – What does this mean?
When I first became a doula I didn’t know what was meant by ‘holding space’. I now know it means a variety of things but I still find it...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga Savasana/Relaxation (6 of 6)
Hey everyone, Today is the last in the series of 6 pregnancy yoga sessions. I hope you’ve had a chance to try all 6, and maybe even...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20236 min read
Top tips: Labour and Birth Progression
Once labour starts the latent phase/early labour can go on for days, and birth can seem like a long way off. You may have been told that...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga Standing (4 of 6)
Today’s pregnancy yoga taster is the standing sequence. This section can be practiced after the warm up, all fours and kneeling sequences...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga Kneeling (3 of 6)
Today is the third video in our set of 6, it’s a kneeling sequence, as part of our pregnancy yoga routine. I hope you’ve enjoyed...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga All Fours (2 of 6)
Today is the second in a set of 6 pregnancy yoga videos that I’ve recorded for you. Over the coming weeks I will be posting a video each...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20234 min read
You can say no to a vaginal exam!
How to know when I’m in established labour, without a vaginal exam There are many reasons why a person may not want a vaginal exam during...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga Warm Up (1 of 6)
Hi everyone Thanks for taking a look at today’s pregnancy yoga taster video. Today is the first part of a series of 6 tasters. You can...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20233 min read
What is the Bishops score?
Lots of people have never heard about the Bishops score, let alone know what it is. If you’re a regular follower of mine you’ll know that...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20232 min read
What is a cervical sweep and should I have one?
When will I have a sweep? Before birth you may be offered a ‘membrane sweep’, also known as a ‘cervical sweep’, to induce labour....

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20234 min read
Rights and Choices in Maternity Care
Recently in particular I’m hearing so many stories about cohersion, lack of consent, lack of options and a feeling of going back 80 years...
Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga Warrior Flow Sequence
Hey everyone, Today’s pregnancy yoga taster is a warrior flow sequence For a longer yoga session you could follow one of my other taster...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20233 min read
Make the most of pregnancy offers/freebies
Pregnancy and being a new parent can be an expensive time, so make sure you take advantage of the freebies and offers available to you....
Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga for Sciatica
Here is a 20 minute sequence to help ease the feelings of sciatica during pregnancy. It’s not a cure but I’ve had students come to class...
Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20231 min read
Pregnancy Yoga – Warriors
Today’s pregnancy yoga taster is suitable for the second trimester of pregnancy. There’s a few warriors, plus downward dog, chair pose...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20233 min read
When the unexpected happens during birth
I wanted to start by saying I think it’s a good idea to be knowledgeable about your body and birth to start with. However you’re never...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20234 min read
Birthing alone in hospital during a pandemic
In most hospitals there’s still strict rules and you’re not allow a birth partner with you until established labour (this is a bit of a...

Kirstie Broughton
May 16, 20232 min read
Why take my Active Birth Preparation Workshop?
Do you feel prepared for birth? Do you have a birth plan? Do you know your rights and the choices you’ll be asked to make? Do you know...
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